I'm a sucker
As I was standing at the table to pick up the cookie dough, I heard a lady say something about free puppies. I turned around and she was just taking them out of her truck. Someone had dumped 7 black and chocolate lab puppies up at the soccer fields sometime during the horrendous rain we had last week. They had been there a couple of days and were dirty and infested with fleas. The lady who had found them, took them to the vet and cared for them for the last couple of days. I had always wanted a chocolate lab, so I picked up one of the females (still having no intention of taking one home). I was instantly hooked. She was cute and had a great personality.
So now I am about 99% convinced I am going to take one of these puppies home and started thinking about how we were going to make it through the first night with all of the whining. Then I was struck with a brilliant idea! Why not take another one home so they can be companions. Afterall, I had always wanted a black lab as well. So I reached into the box and picked up one of the black females and the rest is history.
A couple of observations:
- If I had not overslept, I would have been gone before the puppies were even there.
- I had my marching orders -- get cookie dough. That was the only thing on my list. I guess I thought it said "puppy dough."
- I know better than to take even one, but TWO!?!!?!?!?!?
- To the person who dumped these precious little puppies at the soccer fields -- you are a fool. Not only are you missing out on the joy of raising these puppies, but there are so many other options than to dump puppies during a driving rainstorm. You could have put them on southeasttexas.com (Adorable FREE puppies to a good home. Come and get them). You could have taken them to the Humane Society where they could have at least been taken care of properly until they could find a home for them. You could have taken them to the fair where there were thousands of people just milling around, riding rides, pigging out on Hog on a logs, Pork-a-bobs, Fried Coke, etc. I'm sure you could have found 7 people out of those thousands who wanted to have a puppy. I hope you sleep well in your warm, dry bed after what you put these puppies through. Just be thankful I don't know who you are.
- I know that most people do not know what to make of me. People think I am serious, quiet or even mean because of my demeanor. I am in fact none of these. I have the tendancy to be sarcastic (something I am working on) and opinionated (see comment for sarcastic), but when it boils down to it I am a sucker. A softy. A sentimental fool. I admit it and I am proud of it.
Well, enough observations. Introducting in their World Wide Web debut -- here are Coco and Sweetie: