Thursday, September 21, 2006

I want one!

Remember the "old school" Tickle-me-Elmo? How technology advances.


Blogger The Spa Enthusiest! said...

Is that for Real??? If it does that,I want one too....First time i laughed in three days..well since Leisa spilled her drink,after she was reminding her girls 50 times to hold their drink with 2 hands...LOL..(still laughing at that one)

9/22/2006 8:09 AM  
Blogger leisa said...

This looks like me when I'm laughing -- especially that last part where he's slapping the floor with his hand. Don't believe me? Ask Jason. I've actually laughed so hard I threw up...well, I was pregnant at the time though, so that probably doesn't count.

Anyway, Jason says they already have a waiting list for these at Target. I'm gonna try to get a few as soon as I can and then sell them on December 22 on ebay for $563.00. Sound good?

9/22/2006 7:02 PM  
Blogger Lindsay said...

Do you want one of the elmo's or the dog that's trying to eat him?

This really is hilarious! It makes you laugh just watching it. It would be a great conversation piece.

Hey, Leisa, I'll go in with you on that, and then we'll both be millionares!

9/25/2006 8:34 AM  
Blogger leisa said...

Do you know that these crazy things are already going for $200 on ebay? And people are BUYING them. What is wrong with these people that their kid needs one of these things that bad?

That said: I am on a MISSION to find me some TMX Elmo's.

10/03/2006 10:42 PM  

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